Handbook » Student Handbook - Student Activities

Student Handbook - Student Activities



Student Handbook


Student Activities

One of the objectives of Oakmont Regional High School is to have a well-rounded athletic program. Permanent values, such as fair play, loyalty, team work, responsibility, resourcefulness, determination, and leadership are gained from a sound athletic program. Every student is encouraged to participate in one or more sports.

Oakmont athletics is governed by rules of the Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association. 

The M.I.A.A. has certain rules which extend to all student-athletes such as: (a) Students cannot be older than nineteen (19) years of age (Rule 60); (b) Students can compete for only four (4) years after entering the ninth grade. Junior High athletes may not compete with High School athletes unless the two schools are under the same Principal (Rule 54); (c) Students must be living with a legal guardian and have legal residence within the community (Rule 61); (d) Students cannot practice or be scheduled for more than one activity per day (Rule 56); (e) Students must adhere to Oakmont’s Chemical Health Policy (see page 25). 

Athlete/Activity Participant Chemical Health Policy

Any athlete or co-curricular activity participant in the Ashburnham-Westminster Regional School system is a highly visible representative of the Ashburnham-Westminster Regional School District. Because our school system has a 100% zero-tolerance policy for alcohol, drug, and tobacco use, we expect that our athletes and activity participants will maintain behavior that upholds this policy at all times. Remember, students choose to become student-athletes and/or activity participants. That choice also includes the responsibility of living up to Oakmont’s values. If students choose to participate in co-curricular activities or athletics, we ask that they commit to a healthy lifestyle and agree not to engage in risk behaviors that include tobacco, alcohol, or illegal substance abuse. 

The following Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association (MIAA) Provision (rule 62.1, page 56, MIAA Handbook) that is mandatory for all Oakmont athletes, is also binding for all student-athletes and co-curricular activity participants in the District: 

“From the first allowable day of fall practice through the end of the academic year or final competition of the year, whichever is later, a student shall not, regardless of the quantity, use, consume, possess, buy/sell, or give away any beverage containing alcohol; any tobacco product; marijuana; steroids; or any controlled substance. This policy includes products such as NA or near beer. It is not a violation for a student to be in possession of 57

a legally defined drug specifically prescribed for a student’s own use by their doctor. This rule represents only a minimum standard upon which schools may develop more stringent requirements.” 

The above policy is in effect at all times, whether in school or outside of school. 

The administration will investigate alleged Chemical Health Policy violations that occur off-campus when credible evidence is presented that a violation has taken place or when the administration is notified by police authorities that a violation has taken place. 

In addition, student-athletes and co-curricular activity participants who attend student gatherings where they find that alcohol is present, the illegal use of controlled substances are prevalent, and/or tobacco products are in use, are expected to exercise their better judgment and remove themselves from this situation as soon as they become aware that these actions are taking place. If the Principal is notified by police authorities, or credible evidence is presented by a legitimate source, that student-athletes and/or co-curricular activity participants have been present at an event where illegal activities have taken place, the Principal will conduct an investigation to determine whether or not the student-athletes and/or co-curricular activity participants were involved in the illegal activity. If the Principal determines that the student-athletes and/or co-curricular activity participants were directly involved in illegal activities, administration will impose sanctions in accordance with the MIAA Chemical Health Policy. If the Principal determines that the student was present during illegal activities, but not actively participating in those activities, the student will receive a written warning and parents will be notified. Subsequent violations may be sanctioned. 

Students who do not choose to participate in co-curricular activities or athletics are strongly encouraged to maintain a healthy lifestyle by not engaging in risk behaviors that involve tobacco, alcohol, or illegal substances. If the school administration becomes aware that students who are not co-curricular participants or student-athletes are involved in risk behaviors during non-school hours off campus, parents will be contacted. Restrictions involving student parking or attendance at after school events may be considered. 


When the Principal confirms, following an opportunity for the student to be heard, that a violation occurred, the student shall lose eligibility for the next consecutive interscholastic contests totaling 25% of all interscholastic contests in that sport. For the student, penalties will be determined by the current or next season of participation. No exception is permitted for a student who becomes a participant in a treatment program. It is recommended that the student be allowed to remain at practice for the purpose of rehabilitation. Any fractional part of an event will be dropped when calculating the 25% of the season. Co-curricular advisors will take steps that mirror, as closely as possible, the above standard. The MIAA Chemical Health policy will be enforced for all student-athletes, however the Principal may choose to consider extenuating circumstances when deciding the final disposition of situations involving co-curricular activity participants. 
When the Principal confirms, following an opportunity for the student to be heard, that a violation occurred, the student shall lose eligibility for the next consecutive interscholastic contests totaling 60% of all interscholastic contests in that sport. For the student, penalties will be determined by the current or next season of participation. Any fractional part of an event will be dropped when calculating the 60% of the season. Co-curricular advisors will take steps that mirror, as closely as possible, the above standard. The MIAA Chemical Health policy will be enforced for all student-athletes, however the Principal may choose to consider extenuating circumstances when deciding the final disposition of situations involving co-curricular activity participants.
Oakmont Athletic Offerings By Season
Football (F,V,JV)
Boys' Soccer (V,JV)
Girls' Soccer (V,JV)
Field Hockey (V,JV)
Boys' Cross Country (V)
Girls' Cross Country (V)
*Cheerleading (V,JV)
*Golf (V)
Unified Basketball
Boys Basketball (V,JV)
Girls Basketball (V,JV)
Boys' Ice Hockey (V,JV)
*Cheerleading (V,JV)
Boys' Indoor Track (V)
Girls' Indoor Track (V)
Baseball (V,JV)
Softball (V,JV)
Boys' Lacrosse (V,JV)
Girls' Lacrosse (V,JV)
Boys' Outdoor Track (V)
Girls' Outdoor Track (V)
Unified Track and Field


NOTE: Oakmont students may compete on the Monty Tech wrestling team in the winter under a cooperative agreement.
*Offering contingent upon budget approval. 
All students have the opportunity to participate on sports teams consistent with their gender identity. (V=Varsity, JV=Junior Varsity) 
Eligibility of Co and Extracurricular Activities
Student participation in all extra and co-curricular events is contingent on remaining in “good standing.”  Students must  remain in good standing with their academics, attendance, and have no disciplinary concerns.  Students with poor attendance (i.e. frequent tardiness/dismissals or daily absences), are failing any courses at any point in the year, or who have had disciplinary concerns may be deemed ineligible to participate in extra or co-curricular activities including sports, clubs, social events, field trips, etc.
A student is ineligible to participate in athletics and other co-curricular activities (e.g., athletic practices, games, clubs, aides, musicals, dramas, club field trips, social functions, etc.) if student does not secure a passing grade in three (3) out of four (4) blocks in a term. Eligibility will be determined by the previous final TERM grade before the season of activity. For example, fall eligibility is based on the Semester II Term 2 grade, NOT the final course grade. 
Academic eligibility of all students shall be considered as official and determined on the published date when the report cards for that ranking marking period are to be issued to the parents of all students within a particular class.
Unless the grade status has changed (i.e., an incomplete grade changed to a passing grade), the student will remain ineligible until the next report card is issued. Provisions for review of eligibility may be made at Progress Report time which may result in changing a student’s eligibility to practice only. 
Students with unpaid school bills are also ineligible for participation until obligations are met, ie: lost books, lost uniforms, class dues, etc. Ten school days after Report Cards are received, a financial ineligibility list will be published. At that point students on that list will be ineligible to participate in co-curricular activities. 
Attendance Requirements for Participation in Co-Curricular Activities
Students must be present for school to be eligible for participation in co-curricular activities and sporting events. To be considered present for school, a student must attend at least two instructional blocks. The Principal, or his designee, may permit an absent student to participate in co-curricular or sporting events under extraordinary circumstances. 
Students who are scheduled for after school detention may not participate in co-curricular activities and sporting events until the detention is served. 
Behavior Expectations During Co-Curricular Activities
Oakmont Regional High School is committed to encouraging and promoting the high ideals of good behavior, sportsmanship, integrity and ethics at all co-curricular events. The behavior at any school function must be consistent with the behavior guidelines outlined in this handbook. We are constantly judged in terms of our conformity to the accepted rules of good behavior. By our actions we reflect credit or discredit to ourselves, our family and those community institutions responsible for instilling values which result in socially acceptable conduct. Oakmont students should conduct themselves in a manner which will display the training they have received both at home and in the various community organizations with which they are associated. 

Good sportsmanship is important. It is one of the fundamental reasons for having an athletic program. If the athletic program of our school does not develop good sportsmanship, it cannot be considered successful even if the teams are victorious.
As players or spectators, students and adults are expected to demonstrate the proper respect for all coaches, teammates, officials, opponents, spectators and equipment. They must be aware of the obligation to demonstrate their loyalty to themselves, their school and their team. They must exhibit the highest level of conduct both on and off the athletic field as they are, at all times, a representative of their team, school and community. All Spectators are expected to comply with the Oakmont High School Fan Expectations.
Course and Co-Curricular Fees
Certain courses and co-curricular activities that involve extra expenses for materials, supplies, transportation etc. beyond the school budget may require fees. These fees will be determined once the school budget is set for the year. Students will be billed by teachers, coaches or advisors for these fees. A waiver form is available in the office for those students that may be unable to afford the fees.
Co-Curricular Activities
Oakmont provides many opportunities for co-curricular activities. In order to receive a well-rounded education, students should take advantage of the programs offered by the various clubs, organizations and athletic offerings. If students have hobbies or special interests not already represented in the co-curricular activities, it is possible for them to consult the administration for procedures concerning the formation of a new club.
Each organization must have a faculty sponsor to sanction and supervise all club activities. All programs must be held in locations approved by the school administration. Students are expected to remain in these assigned areas during their scheduled activity. 

All participants in co-curricular activities are required to sign the Oakmont Athlete/Activity Chemical Health Policy along with a parent. This policy binds the participant to the Oakmont Chemical Health Policy both in and out of school. 
Use the link for the OAKMONT EXPLORERS PAGE for co-curricular activities descriptions.
Fan Expectations
We encourage student attendance at all athletic and extracurricular events. Students must maintain proper decorum and respect while in attendance at these activities since they are representing Oakmont High School. Oakmont has a proud history of being recognized as being a great place to come compete and as having awesome, respectful students and fans.

In general, we have the following expectations of all fans and spectators:
  • Have fun by demonstrating positive enthusiasm without causing harm, danger, or embarrassment.  Cheer on our players!!
  • Follow all school rules that are in effect during the regular school day.
  • Demonstrate respect toward fellow students, opponents, players, coaches, other spectators, and officials.
  • Show respect and pride for our school.
  • Be appropriately attired, including wearing shirts.
Students may NOT engage in the following behaviors:
  • NO calling by name or taunting players on either the home or visiting teams.
  • NO BOOING! - Despite what you see from some professional, college, and other high school contests...it’s just rude.  We don’t do that here because we are BETTER THAN THAT!  
  • NO using vulgar language/gestures towards other fans, players, other fans, or the game officials.
  • NO wearing costumes, masks, or obscuring face paint that prevents them from being recognized unless approved by an administrator in advance.
  • NO participating in dangerous or boisterous behavior, such as pushing, shoving, crowd surfing, standing on railings, banging on the glass, or fighting.           
  • NO throwing objects either in the stands or onto the playing surface.
  • NO turning your back while the other team is introduced, or holding up signs or newspapers. Again..it’s just disrespectful.  We are better than that!
  • NO displaying signs that are meant to degrade the other school, team, or individual players.  
  • Win or lose, as you leave tell the other team/fans, GREAT GAME!
    See the MIAA Taunting Rule for a basic summary pertaining to fans click here.
    Students or other spectators who engage in prohibited fan behavior may face consequences as determined by the administration or Athletic director. Any spectator engaging in these activities may be removed from the premises or prohibited from attending future events.
Field Trips
Field trips are recognized as a meaningful extension of classroom learning and are offered both as enrichment and as part of the curriculum. Students are responsible for notifying all of their teachers at least one week in advance of the field trip and they are responsible for completing any academic work missed because of attendance on a field trip. Students must have the permission of all of their teachers to attend a field trip and may be prevented from attending because of academic reasons, such as a scheduled test or presentation. Written assignments given on the day of a field trip are to be made up in the same manner as work missed due to illness. Long-term projects will be submitted on the due date as scheduled. Exceptions may be considered by the teacher. 
In order to go on a field trip, a student must have a “Field Trip Permit” filled out and signed by a parent or guardian. Medications on field trips follow Oakmont policy. The school nurse may delegate a teacher to dispense medication during the field trip. Students participating in a field trip are expected to conduct themselves in a responsible manner and are expected to follow all school rules. Students may be prohibited from going on field trips for behavioral or academic reasons at the discretion of the teacher or administration. Should a student be excluded from an academic field trip, the student will be given an alternative assignment in the class that is involved in the trip. When on field trips where brown bag lunches are brought, only unopened canned soft drinks will be allowed. 
National Honor Society
The objective of the National Honor Society is to create an enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote worthy leadership, and to encourage the development of character in students of Oakmont. The election of members to the National Honor Society is by the faculty council. Eligibility standards are specified in the NHS bylaws which are available online here. The members shall be selected based on scholarship, service, leadership, and character. All candidates for active membership will be members of the junior or senior class. In order to continue membership, students must maintain the standards that were the basis of their election to the Society. 
* Please contact the NHS Advisor for more detailed requirements for selection to NHS. 
School Dances

School dances may be sponsored by any school group. Groups desiring dances must work through their advisors and the administration, who will see that the necessary forms are filled out and dates cleared. Forms are available in the main office. Do not make contract commitments before you have administrative approval. 

The Principal must approve all contracts. 

The following rules are observed at all school dances: 

  1. Students will conform to all school rules. 
  2. Non-Oakmont guests are not allowed without a signed guest pass, authorized by the Oakmont administration and the guest’s school administration prior to the event. Guests are required to follow all Oakmont rules. The administration reserves the right to disapprove of any guest. 
  3. Any student leaving before the end of the dance is required to sign out. 
  4. Having signed out, the student must leave the dance, and school property. Students who have left the dance are not allowed to return. 
  5. Middle School students are prohibited from attending High School Dances and the reverse applies as well. 6. Guest passes will not be granted for guests over the age of twenty (20). (Exceptions may be granted by the administration for enrolled students who are over twenty years of age.)
Behavior at any school function must be consistent with the standards of decency, maturity, and respect that we expect from all members of our school community. Attendance at an Oakmont dance or activity is a privilege, not a right. All students and guests at Oakmont dances and activities are expected to observe the following behavior guidelines: 
  • No movements or gestures that simulate sexual activities. (No grinding.) 
  • Partners’ hands must remain above the waist and avoid sensitive areas. 
  • No movements that could cause injury are permitted. 
  • No excessive public displays of affection.
Students and guests who do not follow these guidelines will be asked to leave the dance or activity.
Senior Year Activities
Senior year is unique in both the privileges and opportunities it affords and the special requirements placed on seniors. We urge seniors to choose a challenging and rigorous educational program based on their individual goals and to fully participate in senior class activities. The following information is offered regarding senior year: 
Senior Status: Only students who have earned eighteen (18) credits will be considered members of the senior class. 

Graduation Participation: Members of the senior class who have earned twenty-six (26) credits and have met all graduation requirements (see page 13) are welcome to participate in the graduation ceremony. In addition, seniors are required to pass the equivalent of six (6) full-credit courses and earn six (6) credits. Seniors are also allowed no more than seven (7) unexcused absences during their second-semester senior year. 

Graduation Participation Waiver: Members of the senior class who do not meet graduation participation requirements may request a waiver that will enable them to participate in graduation by submitting a written request to the Principal by May 12th. The written request must clearly indicate why the student should be allowed to participate in graduation and how they intend to complete graduation requirements in the future. The Principal will form a committee with representation from the faculty, Guidance, and the administration to review each request. 
Senior Class Activities: The following events are sponsored by the senior class and are an important part of senior year: 

Yearbook Packet – All seniors are asked to submit a photo and completed packet for the Yearbook by September 10th. Remember, your photo and yearbook information is the way you’ll be remembered by your classmates. 

Halloween Party – The senior class traditionally holds a costume party for members of the class only (no guests). Prizes are awarded for the best costumes. 

Junior/Senior Prom – Juniors and Seniors are welcome to attend and bring a guest, but all guests who are not Oakmont students must be approved by the administration. Tickets must be purchased in advance and all students must be present for school on the day before the Prom. Formal attire is required at the Prom.
Senior Final Exams – Seniors take their final exams at the end of May. On final exam days in May, seniors may leave school once they have completed their exams. 

Senior Class Trip – Traditionally the senior class sponsors a class trip after final exams are completed. The trip is for members of the class only. 

Evening of Reflection – An inspirational ceremony honoring the Senior Class through speeches and performances given by class members, faculty, and community leaders will be held during the week prior to graduation. All seniors, parents, faculty, and guests are welcome to attend. Semi-formal attire is requested. 

Class Relays & Senior Cookout – Relay races and other class competitions are scheduled during the week prior to graduation. After the competitions, seniors hold a class meeting to read the Class Will and view the Senior Video. All seniors are then invited to attend an afternoon cookout with the faculty. 

Class Night – Class night will be held prior to graduation. All members of the senior class and their families are encouraged to attend this awards ceremony. Seniors wear their graduation gowns and are seated as a class. 

Senior Reception and Graduation – Members of the senior class, school administration, staff,  and school committee members,  attend a reception in the cafeteria prior to graduation.

Graduation is held on the turf field with unlimited seating for guests. In the event of inclement weather, graduation is held in the new gym, and seniors are given a limited number of tickets for guests.  Non-ticketed guests may view the ceremony in the auditorium or the cafeteria.

*In keeping with the importance of graduation events, seniors are asked to wear appropriate clothing underneath their graduation gowns. Only honors and awards given by Oakmont Regional High School may be worn during the graduation ceremony.     
Student Government

The underlying assumption in granting governing responsibility to students is that students will use their governing power and influence wisely and responsibly. Electing students who sincerely wish to represent the 

interests and concerns of all students is the focus of student government at Oakmont. Elected student leaders should be responsive to the needs of their constituents and conversely, their constituents should demand of them feedback and the opportunity to be heard through their student government. 

Any student who is elected to a leadership position is expected to carry out the duties of that position. If an elected officer fails to carry out their duties, a class advisor may request that the principal remove the officer from their office. Student leaders may also be removed from office for academic ineligibility, disciplinary infractions, or for conduct not becoming a student leader. The principal will convene a hearing to determine whether or not removal is justified. If a student leader is removed from office, an election will be held as soon as practical to fill the position vacancy. Any student who is removed from office will be ineligible to run for office for one full year. 


Election of Student Class Officers 

Students who seek election as Class Officers or Student Council representatives in a given school year must secure a passing grade in all academic subjects, must not have been suspended from school and must demonstrate a satisfactory standard of citizenship. Students must also be in good standing with their respective classes, i.e.; all obligations including dues must be fulfilled. Once elected, class officers and Student Council representatives must maintain the aforementioned election requirements for the full term of their office or will be required to resign from office. 


Student Officer Election Procedures 

The following election procedures will apply: 

  • Each class will elect one student for each office; students cannot run for more than one elective office each year: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Student Council representatives. Students wishing to run for class office must register with the Student Council advisor during a meeting in early May. Candidates’ credentials will be reviewed by the Administration, Class and/or Student Council Advisors. 2. Candidates will obtain nomination papers from the Student Council advisor. Each form must contain 25 valid signatures of class members in good standing in their grades. Students will have one week to obtain valid signatures.
  • Students may sign one nomination paper for each class officer position and as many Student Council nomination papers as there are positions available.
  • The week following nominations will be campaign week. Candidates will be required to deliver a nomination speech at their respective class meetings. All campaign materials, posters, speeches, etc., must be approved by the Student Council advisor before they are posted or given.
  • Class officer and Student Council elections will be held at the end of May or early June during an extended homeroom. Voting will be held as in a town election. Ballot counting will be carried out immediately after the elections. Results will be posted at the end of the Election Day on the Student Council bulletin board. 6. There is no provision for write-in candidates. All candidates must fully complete the nomination process and give their nomination speech to be placed on the ballot.
  • 9th Grade Class Officer elections will be held in September following the procedures outlined above. Specific dates will be announced at the beginning of the school year.
Removal of Class Officers 
Removal of a class officer will be based on the Demerit System outlined below and utilized at the discretion of the advisor or coach: 
  • Written responsibilities of Class Presidents, Vice Presidents, Secretaries, and Treasurers and will be provided to candidates for each position when they take out nomination papers
  • An elected class officer that does not fulfill their responsibilities may receive demerit from the class advisor and/or majority of the other officers. Officers can receive a demerit for any of, but not limited to, any of the following:
  • Absence from a scheduled meeting or class sponsored event without contacting the advisor directly 24 hours prior to the meeting or event 
  • Repeated tardies to meetings or events 
  • Not proficiently fulfilling the duties of the office they were elected to 
  • Not following school rules (i.e. receiving detentions) 
  • Demerits can be appealed to school administration
  • Accumulation of three demerits during the school year may result in dismissal as a class officer a. The class advisors must notify the class officer of dismissal within 5 school days of dismissal b. The advisors will hold a hearing within 5 school days of notification with the class office c. A dismissed officer can appeal to an administrator within 5 school days of the hearing d. The officer's parents may be present at either or both hearings
  • At the discretion of an administrator, the removed officer may be eligible to run during the next election. F. If an officer is suspended from school, the officer will automatically be removed for the remainder of the current academic year. At the discretion of an administrator, the removed officer may be eligible to run during the next election.
Student Council
The Oakmont Student Council is composed of four (4) freshmen, six (6) sophomores, eight (8) juniors, and ten (10) seniors. Members may maintain their membership based on performance and adherence to the Student Handbook and the Student Council Constitution. Four members will be elected in the fall of freshman year. An additional two members will be elected to each class during the spring elections to create the membership numbers as listed above. 
The Student Council represents the student body at Oakmont and brings matters of student concern to the Administration and School Committee. It serves as the student voice in school policy and attempts to maintain a positive student attitude and student involvement in our school and community. The Council is responsible for student activities and elections participate in state and regional conferences in the central district and attends the state conference each year in March. 
Student Advisory Council (S.A.C)
Eight (8) students, from grades 9 through 12, are selected through class elections each year as representatives to the Student Advisory Council. The SAC provides an opportunity for dialogue between students and the administration as well as a vehicle for students to have a voice in their educational process at the school committee level. SAC meets twice monthly and sends a representative to regularly scheduled school committee meetings monthly. The SAC President, vice-president, and secretary are elected from the membership at the end of each school year.
Oakmont School Council
Chapter 71 of the School Reform Law of 1993 requires the establishment of school councils in all the public schools in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The purpose of the school council is to:
  1. Assist and advise the principals in adopting educational goals for their school. 
  2. Assist and advise the principals in the identification of the educational needs of the students.
  3. Assist and advise the principals in the review of the annual school budget. 
  4. Assist and advise the principal in the formulation of a school improvement plan. 
Six student representatives are to serve on the council; the 4 elected presidents of each class as well as the student council president and the Student Advisory Council President.  The remaining committee members will consist of: Principal, Assistant Principal, 3-5 Teachers Grades 9-12 that will be elected by A.W.T.A., up to 6 High School Parents that will be elected by parent online vote in September. ** Election will only occur if more than 6 parents wish to participate on the council.
When possible, we will try to keep the ration balanced. (3 from Ashburnham,3 from Westminster), and when possible, 1 community representative from each town (Westminster and Ashburnham) 
Oakmont School Council Goals 
  • Goal #1- Establish a budget that will support all school programs and activities. 
  • Goal #2- Our school will establish clear lines of communication with the administration, faculty, parents, and the community. 
  • Goal #3- To ensure the provision of meaningful and comprehensive professional development opportunities for all faculty and staff. 
  • Goal #4- Increase successful learning for all students 
  • Goal #5-Provide state-of-the-art facilities and materials to support high academic achievement and create a safe, inclusive, and nurturing environment. 
  • Goal #6: Create a school culture that is nurturing, welcoming, respectful, and responsive.