Handbook » Student Handbook - Support Services: Cafeteria, School Counseling, Health, Library, Special Education and Transportation

Student Handbook - Support Services: Cafeteria, School Counseling, Health, Library, Special Education and Transportation



Student Handbook


Support Services: Cafeteria, School Counseling, Health, Library, Special Education and Transportation

Bus Transportation
Bus transportation to and from school is provided for all students living one mile or more from school. Eligible students must ride their assigned bus and are not allowed to ride a different bus. All students riding buses are under the direct supervision of the bus driver. Bus trips and bus stops are extensions of the school day. Students are expected to conduct themselves in a responsible manner and are expected to follow all school rules on the bus and at the bus stop. Once boarded, students must remain seated until the bus has reached the school or the student’s bus stop. Excessive noise, profanity or any behavior distracting the bus driver or endangering others will not be tolerated. Possession or use of Alcohol, Tobacco or Drugs is prohibited on all AWRSD transportation. Students violating school and bus safety rules may be denied bus transportation.
Please refer all bus problems to the AWRSD Superintendent’s office at (978) 827-1434. Video cameras have been installed on the school buses and activities on the buses will be recorded.
Cafeteria / Food Services
Chartwells serves a nutritious hot lunch with many choices. An extensive a la carte program is also available including a morning Bagel Bar. There is no charge for a complete student breakfast and/or lunch. However, a la carte items are not free of charge.

Online Payment for School Breakfast and Lunch

A prepayment system is available online. To access these services: 
  • Simply go to the district website at www.awrsd.org
  • Click on the Food Services link.
  • Click on the MySchoolBucks.com link. From this site you will create your account and add money to your child’s school meal account. All you need is your child’s name, student ID number, and school ZIP code.
Things to know: 
    • If you have more than one child in the District you can handle all online prepayments from the same online account. 
    • Payments may be made through an existing PayPal account or with a major credit or debit card. ● In order to use the online prepayment service, a small convenience fee for each transaction will be assessed to cover the bank fees. The convenience fee is $1.75 per deposit transaction. Parents placing money into multiple meal accounts at one time will only be assessed the $1.75 fee once per deposit transaction. Ashburnham Westminster Regional School District and Chartwells do not profit from the use of this site. 
    • A recommendation would be to deposit more money less often to avoid the $1.75 fee assessed at each 


If you wish to pre-pay by check, please make payable to: Oakmont Food Service OR AWRSD Food Service. 
* School Breakfast and lunch are still available free of charge but “extra” items or additional lunches must be paid for.

Cafeteria Rules
  • Students are required to report to the cafeteria for their assigned lunch period. Students found in other areas of the building during their scheduled lunch without an authorized pass will be subject to disciplinary action.
  • Students are to conduct themselves in a reasonable manner in the lunch lines and in the cafeteria. No running or pushing in lines; no cutting into a line; purchase only one lunch at a time.
  • Students are responsible for leaving the table and the surrounding area clean. This implies that students must empty all trays in proper receptacles and return trays to the designated area after eating, and dispose of all lunch bags, wrappers, beverage containers etc.
  • Students who by their behavior indicate that they cannot act in a responsible manner in the cafeteria may lose the privilege of eating in the cafeteria. Students who throw food or anything else, or tamper with other students’ food will be subject to disciplinary action.
  • Students in violation of cafeteria rules may be assigned clean-up detail, detentions or other sanctions as needed.
  • Students will be dismissed from the cafeteria by the supervisors. 

Free or Reduced Lunch
A form is given to each student on the opening day of school so that they may apply for free or reduced-price meals. The free or reduced-price meals are based on Federal Standards, which are determined by the family size and maximum gross income of the family. These forms should be filled out and returned to the Administrative Office as soon as possible in order for the student to participate in the program at the earliest possible date. Forms are available in the main office all year. 
Last year’s list of students will carry over until Oct. 15th. Parents need to submit an application every year to qualify. They should get these applications in ASAP so they are approved by the Oct. 15th deadline. Checks can be dropped off in the main office or cafeteria. 
School Counseling
School counselors are available to provide assistance to students. Visits to the school counseling office are by appointment during the regular school day. No appointment is necessary to consult with a counselor before or after school, or in cases of emergency. Counselor responsibilities are as follows:
Mrs.Brochu 978-827-5907 ext. 2159 [email protected]
  Students in grades 9, 11, 12: A - F
  Students in grade 10: A - G
Mr. Bradley 978-827-5907 ext. 2163 [email protected]
  Students in grades 9, 11, 12: G - O
  Students in grade 10: H - Mc
Ms. Dubovick 978-827-5907 ext. 2164 [email protected]
  Students in grades 9, 11, 12: P - Z
  Students in grade 10: Me - Z
Counselors assist students by helping them assess and understand their abilities, aptitudes, interests and their educational and vocational needs. They may also assist students in the resolution of personal problems. Other services performed by the Oakmont School Counseling Department include testing, job placement and college 
placement. Parents/guardians are invited to contact the School Counseling (827-5907 ext. 2161) if any problems arise concerning their child’s progress in school. 
The school counseling library, which contains a large collection of occupational literature, school and college bulletins, scholarship brochures, and other guidance resources, is located within the school counseling suite. Students desiring to use this facility must secure a pass from the school counseling secretary before the school day begins.
Health Services

The school nurse is primarily responsible for the administration of emergency care. Emergency care is limited to first aid only. First aid is defined as the immediate and temporary care given in order to prevent further injury until medical care may be secured. All medical treatment is considered outside the area of school responsibility. Follow-up care of the student is entirely the responsibility of the parent or guardian. Students should consult the School Nurse when they have any concerns or questions pertaining to health issues. Any student who wishes to see the nurse during school time must secure a pass from the classroom teacher and report directly to the nurse’s office. 

The role of the School Nurse includes: 

  • Providing acute and emergency care for students and staff 
  • Conducting mandated screenings 
  • Health counseling and education when needed 
  • Medication administration and assessment 
  • Planned care for students with special medical needs 
  • Data evaluation in terms of immunizations and screenings 
  • Providing resources to access primary health services 
  • Communicable disease control 
  • Promoting environmental health and safety 
  • Providing linkage to community resources 

When should a student stay home from school? 

  • If the student has a contagious illness such as Covid19, strep throat, flu, or chicken pox 
  • If the student has a fever of 100 degrees or higher within the past 24 hours 
  • If the student has had vomiting or diarrhea within the past 24 hours 
  • If the student has red/pink eye or has drainage from the eyes 
  • If the student has head lice or nits (in this case, the student must be seen by the School Nurse before returning to school.) 
  • If the student does not have proof of all required immunizations 
If a student is absent due to temporary medical reasons, the main office must be notified. In order for an absence to be excused, a doctor’s note is required. If a student is out of school for an extended period of time because of medical issues, please notify the School Nurse. It’s important to maintain communication with the School Nurse about any health concerns you may have. 
When a student has been evaluated by emergency/medical personnel, including mental health professionals, outside of school hours, hospitalized, or has been transported from school grounds by ambulance, a readmission meeting is required with the parent or guardian prior to returning to classes. This meeting will ensure that appropriate health supports are in place for the student’s safe return to school. 

Physical Examinations

The Massachusetts Department of Public Health requires that students have periodic physical examinations. All students during the grade nine (9) year are required to have a physical exam either by their family physician or by the school physician. All students new to Oakmont, regardless of grade, must furnish a copy of a current physical exam before they begin classes. The physical form must be on file with the School Nurse. 
Physical Examination for Competitive Sports
All students who participate in competitive sports must have a physical examination annually. The physical must be done prior to participation in the sport, which includes pre-season practice. The physical exam may be done by an athlete’s physician or the school physician by appointment. The physical exam form must be forwarded to the school nurse practice or competition begins. The physical exam form must include the date that the physical was given and state whether or not the student is physically fit for participation in competitive sports. SUGGESTION: A physical exam in late June or during the summer months would allow an athlete to compete in sports all of the next academic year with a valid physical.
Medical Excuse from Participation in Fitness Classes
A parent or guardian may request, via the nurse, that a student not participate in fitness class activities for two consecutive fitness classes due to minor illness or injury. Students must submit a written request to the school nurse before 7:30 A.M. on the day of the fitness class. Any student who will not be able to participate in fitness class activities for more than two consecutive fitness classes must have written documentation from the student’s physician or health practitioner. The written note must be submitted to the school nurse by 7:30 A.M. on the date of the request. The school nurse will process a medical excuse form that will be sent to the fitness teacher, main office, and the school counseling office. The excused student will be expected to report to the fitness class to check in with the teacher. 


Immunization Requirements

The Massachusetts Department of Public Health requires that students be properly immunized. All students attending Massachusetts’s schools must comply with this requirement. The only exceptions that can be made are for religious and medical reasons. At Oakmont Regional High School all students’ records are reviewed annually at the beginning of the school year. The school nurse will notify parents or guardians of children who are not properly immunized. Failure to do so will result in the student’s exclusion from the school until requirements are met. 

Postural Screenings
The Massachusetts Department of Public Health requires that postural screening be done annually for all students in grades 5 - 9. Postural screening is done to detect early curvature of the spine or other postural defects. Parents or guardians will be notified if any postural problems are detected. 

Vision and Hearing Testing

Grade 9 students will have vision and hearing tests done during the freshman year. Parents or guardians will be notified if a student fails either test, a referral letter will be sent home. The letter will indicate that the child is to be evaluated by a physician. A letter from the physician written findings and recommendations must be returned to the school nurse if a student has failed either test. 

Height and Weight Recording

Grade 10 students will have their height and weight measured and recorded during the sophomore year. 


Illness or Injury During the School Day

Any student who becomes ill or is injured during the school day must report to the school nurse. Under no circumstances should an ill or injured student leave Oakmont Regional High School without being dismissed by the school nurse. The student will be dismissed, if necessary, through the nurse’s office, according to the dismissal procedure. 


Medication Administration Policy
All medications at Oakmont are to be administered or supervised by the school nurse in the health office. Students are not to be in possession of any medications in school without permission from the nurse. No narcotic pain medications will be administered by the school nurse. Prescription and “over the counter” medications will be administered only by the school nurse under the following conditions: 
For each Prescription Medication the school nurse must have:
  • A written order from a licensed prescriber and/or the original labeled pharmacy container. The written prescription order is needed for all long-term medications, over ten days. 
  • Written permission from a parent or guardian 
  • The original labeled pharmacy container if medication is to be given for 10 school days or less. 
For each “Over the Counter” Medication the nurse must have:
  • Written permission from a parent or guardian. This includes medicine such as Tylenol, aspirin, etc.

Medication orders must be reviewed and re-filed yearly by law for prescription or “over the counter “medications. Medication order forms are available in the health office.
Opting Out
The District and School occasionally send out passive “Opt out” notifications for a variety of reasons.  Parents/guardians wishing to not have their students participate must respond individually when these are sent indicating their choice to withhold their child’s participation.
Library Services: David A. Nims Library

The mission of the Nims Library is to provide up-to-date, quality resources for students and faculty; teach library usage and research skills; promote love of literature and life-long learning; and provide a comfortable and supportive environment for study, reading, research, and quiet social conversation. Nims Library is typically open from 7:20 A.M. to 3:15 P.M. Students are allowed to access the library at any time with a pass from their teacher unless the library is booked. Students are expected to sign into the library upon arrival and out of the library upon departure. The library is a valuable resource of materials helpful in completing class assignments and for recreational reading as well. Students may borrow those materials designated by the librarian as “circulating” and are responsible for the replacement of items damaged or lost while on loan. The privilege to borrow library materials and the duration of the loan period are determined by the librarian based on instructional needs and outstanding student bills. Library materials include, but are not limited to, books, newspapers, magazines, DVDs, videotapes, and computers with CD-ROM and Internet capabilities. The library catalog and subject-specific databases are available through the school web page at https://oakmontlibrary.weebly.com/. 

Computer Usage

Oakmont computers are not to be used for commercial activities or any activities in violation of the Ashburnham-Westminster Regional School District Acceptable Use Policy See Appendix E. Violators will lose computer privileges and be subject to further disciplinary action. Please click here to review the district technology resources.