Student Handbook - Introductory Letter
Student Handbook
Introductory Letter

Dear Students and Parents/guardians of Oakmont Regional High School:
Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year!
As we begin the new school year, we are excited to get back to “normal” but we also recognize that there is a new normal. While we all hope the worst of the pandemic is behind us, we know the world is a little different and we want to ensure we address this as a school community and that we are also prepared for the challenges that we will likely face. We strive to create a safe learning environment for ALL students and as such, all members of our school community need to understand and comply with the expectations that are in place. This handbook contains the rules, procedures, and expectations that govern operations at Oakmont Regional High School. It is very difficult to create a document that encompasses every possible scenario that may arise during our school year but our hope is that the policies, procedures, and expectations outlined in this document will serve as a guide to supplement the judgment of the administration, faculty, and staff with the operation of our school. The handbook is reviewed and updated yearly and input is sought from students, staff, and parents. It is important to note that our school’s core values are at the heart of these expectations. We expect all members of our school community to care for the safety and well-being of others in our community and to report any chemical or physical health violations that may be causing harm. Students should feel comfortable making reports to a responsible adult staff member in the building but they may also report incidents anonymously utilizing the school’s website under Student resources/reporting an incident. To ensure safety to all, we ask that if you see something, say something and look out for each other.
Our ultimate goal for Oakmont students is that they are in a safe, respectful environment where everyone has the opportunity to learn. For this to occur, the students of Oakmont must manage personal responsibility and display maturity and respect at all times. We encourage all our students to engage in critical thinking, conduct appropriate communication, take responsibility for their actions, be thoughtful in their decision-making, and grow into productive and kind individuals.
Our handbook provides the guidelines to handle situations that fall outside of our expectations. It is important that you understand and acknowledge these expectations. Please electronically sign the acknowledgment on our website.
Let’s make this an amazing year!
Kindest Regards,
Jeffrey M. Lizotte
(978) 827-5907 x2157
Brian J. Cote
Assistant Principal
(978) 827-5907 x2155
Michael Buswell
Assistant Principal
(978) 827-5907 x2153