Family Resources » Family Resources

Family Resources

Oakmont Regional High School provides times for recruiters to be available to our students during some lunches. Federal regulations require us to supply names and contact information of our students to recruiters. If you want your student’s information to be withheld please contact our guidance office in writing.
  • A sling bag or other small bag (We discourage students from carrying large backpacks during the school day)
  • USB headset

  • A calculator (some Math or Science teachers require a specific type of calculator, so it might be best to wait until school begins)

  • No. 2 pencils or mechanical pencils

  • Ballpoint pens (blue or black are best)

  • Highlighters

  • Four spiral-bound or composition notebooks (one for each course)

  • A three-ring binder with at least four dividers (one for each course)

  • Four pocket folders (one for each course)

  • Loose-leaf notebook paper

  • A ruler

  • A three-hole punch

  • A small notebook to record assignments

  • A calendar for scheduling events and due dates

  • Index cards

  • Tissues

  • Hand sanitizer

  • Teachers may recommend other supplies based on specific course requirements


    **Students are discouraged from bringing personal electronic devices**


    The school will provide a ChromeBook to ALL students, students may have cellphones but should not use them during class time. Additional devices will put a strain on our network

All college and career related information can be found here on the School Counseling section of our website
A resource for grandparents raising grandchildren.
Books that about grandparents raising grandchildren
  • Don’t Let Your Kids Kill You by Charles Rubin
  • HELP I’m Raising My Grandkids by Harriet Hodgson, BS, MA
  • Grandparents as Parents by Sylvie de Toledo and Deborah Edler Brown
  • Courageous Love by Laura Montane Bailey, LMFT
  • When Our Grown Kids Disappoint Us by Jane Adams, Ph.D.
ATHLETIC and MARCHING BAND fees should be made payable to AWRSD
To access your parent account:
Click on the PlusPortal link on the ORHS website (under Family Resources):
Plus Portals
Enter your username and password. You will originally be given a temporary password that will prompt you to change your password (must include at least one capital letter) before you officially log in to the site.
Need help? Contact [email protected] if you have not received an account activation email, please email support, leaving your full name, your child’s name, and the grade he/she is in.
Some features of the Parent PlusPortal are:
  • Access to your child’s information anytime, anywhere using a web browser, smartphone, or tablet
  • One login to view all of your children’s data
  • Student class schedules
  • Combined calendars
  • School and class alerts helping you stay informed
  • Class pages
  • Homework posted
  • Quick summary screen shows latest grades posted for a quick look at how your child is doing academically
  • School directory


The following link has interactive guides on what to expect in the portal. It is an excellent resource that will help you navigate the portal effectively.

Parent Plus Portals Interactive Guides